Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

I wish you Merry Christmas Lisa skeptics!

I wish you Supernatural to be a zone free of:
- stupid characters
- females forced to the show
- females who change main characters the wrong way
- females who come out of the blue and completetly don't fit in the show
- characters who give women a bad name
- slutty women who are never called their reall name by the writers
- unimpressive women

In other words: such as you, Lisa!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The CW Lounge is shutting down

"The Lounge Message Boards will be closing on Wednesday, December 14th." - says CWModAlice.
That's a pity. It was a great place to discuss things, forcing the debate to Facebook is just a terrible idea. I know people will move to other message boards but I'll miss the posts. There were some really well written opinions.
CW, that is a really bad choice.