Sunday, February 27, 2011

Discussion on the boards

I have said many things about the character of Lisa and this storyline. I really hate the destruction she caused both to the show and to the character of Dean. After the 6.14 episode and supposedly "the end" of Lisa/Ben/Dean story, I was thinking about all the reasons why SN should never ever end like a soap-opera (e.g. with Dean going to Lisa).
Since I'm not a very eloquent person, I'd like to present an interesting post written by Ravanne which points out not mentioned before issues :

The idea that some Lisa fans keep floating around, that Lisa is meant to be Dean's "end game" and that he will end up with her when the series wraps up is one that I find really frustrating. Even if you had an emotional investment in Lisa as a character and her relationship with Dean, a bit question has to loom. Just how long is Lisa supposed to sit around and wait for Dean to figure out what he wants in life?

Seriously... this whole senario of Dean being this helpless creature buffeted by the winds of fate is just grating on my nerves. Dean is a grown man, folks! An emotionally damaged one with more issues than the archives at National Geographic, but is is an adult. He is capable of making decisions for himself. If he wanted to stay with Lisa, or to find a real balance between having both a domestic life and being with his brother, he certainly didn't fight for it. He wasn't trying to convince Lisa to give it another chance, or to explain what happened. He just accepted her decision to end things.

When he accepted her decision, without trying to change her mind, that was making a choice. His rational was weak - that he's not worthy of being with her and he'll ruin her and Ben. But he made a choice. If he wanted to be with Lisa as much as the LisaShippers insist, why didn't he fight just a little bit? Instead the whole thing was simply played out as a reason to give us another double-dose of MopeyDean with his personal Black Raincloud of Saddness over his head.

And as for Lisa... whether you like this character or not, she is entitled to have a happy life, whether with Dean or in another realtionship. How long is she and Ben supposed to put their lives on hold until Dean gets his act together? They never confirmed Lisa's age in the show, but I always got the impression that she was a few years older than Dean. At the youngest, this is a woman in her mid-thirties now and time isn't standing still. Her son is going to be a teenager before long. Their lives can't stop just because Dean can't figure out what he wants to do with himself. If Lisa meets someone that can make her happy and give her and Ben the lives they want, then great for her! Ben's already spent most of his life without a father figure - should he have to wait until he's a grown man himself before Dean comes to the decision that he wants to take Ben to Little League games? At the rate Dean is going, Ben will have kids of his own by the time Dean figures things out.

How long should Lisa have to wait for Dean? It already has been given the impression that she's waited at least since TKAA for Dean to come back into her life. Should she put her life on hold until she's old and gray and maybe Dean will decide to be with her? That's not fair to her. I've never hidden my dislike for her as a character, but as a woman the idea that any female should be expected to sit around and wait because she might be good for a man when he finally gets his act together... the word for that is "pathetic".

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Will Sera Gamble be the showrunner for season 7 of Supernatural?

I don't know if it was announced or not, I might have missed that information. I also haven't seen a confirmation that there is going to be S7 of Supernatural. However, my wish is that someone would replace Sera. The "girly" attitude didn't work well on this show. I truey hated the the Lisa/Ben storyline.

Lisa was reintroduced to the show at the end of season 5, when no viewer actually remembered who she was. Lisa and her son Ben were just a filler for Dean's story in season 6. Dean had to be placed somewhere during the one year when he wasn't with his brother.

The decision of choosing Lisa and Ben was one of the wrost made on this show because there was no indication during seasons 3 - 5 that Lisa was someone important. Even more, there was no indication that Dean could be interested in someone like her. We were told completely different things about Dean. This man couldn't possibly fell in love or even be interested in boring, selfish, undecided, single (bad) mother.

This is how Lisa was written: first (in S3) introduced as independent though a little sluty woman, then (in S5) desperate single who willingly invited stranger to live with her and her child. In season 6 she was supposed to be the caring and loving one who helped Dean to deal with his grief. But the writers didn't manage to show that. Instead, Lisa and her brat, were presented as an obstacle in Dean's life. Lisa clearly didn't care about Deans feelings, his year of misery was the best of her life. He wanted to leave her the minute he saw Sam, but she manipulated him into staying. She had unreasonable expectations: wanted him to go, stay, go and saty again, and hated the most important person in Dean's life - Sam. She didn't care about his drinking problem and separated him from the people who cared about him (e.g. Bobby).

You can't call that love. That was sick and unhealthy relationship.
This is way it makes me angry that Sera Gamble blindly went that way. Till the end.... beacuse in 6.14 episode, the writers were trying to sell this storyline as an "epic love".
The conversation between Lisa-Dean, Dean-Ben was unreal and showed more inconsistency in writing.

One more time Dean was out of character while being around Lisa. He was written that way almost in every single episode of the first half of the season. And please don't convice me that he acted more mature and was so soft because of his deep feelings to Lisa and Ben. No, a real love doesn't make you a wussy, whiny, wimp. It doesn't suck out of you all your powers, strength and dignity. A real love makes you stronger and invincible.
Yet, in M3TR, Dean has been made a fool by demanding Lisa and her spawn.

Sera Gamble made a one big mess with season 6 and too many plotlines. To my horror, she focused on the one wich was really needless to the show - the Lisa/Ben storyline.Also Robo!Sam story was dragged for too long.

Another factor that was against the Lisa/Ben/Dean storyline, was the fact that there wsa absolutely no chemistry between the actors. Not even a single sparkle. Nothing. JA did everything he could and as usuall presented the best of him. But this was like flogging the dead horse. I always knew that the choice of the actress - Cindy Sampson, wasn't good.She and Jensen look awkward together on screen. It is really a mistery to me because JA has a great chemistry with everyone, even with the objects.

If Sera only concentrates on reviews like this: "OMG, that was freakin' awesome!" written in big pink (or green) font by teenage girls, then I'm not surprised that overtanned, hungry for "smoosh smoosh" Snooki-Lisa was on SN for so long.

I'm so disappointed by first half of S6 which looked more like a parody and soap-opera than original SN, probably because it was based on fanfiction stories.

So, comming back to the queston: will Sera be the showrunner? Probably yes because my wishes hardly ever come true.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sam: What's a snooki?

Well, Sammy this is a Snooki. Very dangerous monster:

- Hard to kill.
- Gender: female
- Reproduces really quickly.
- Important abilities: manipulate men (usually by using her offspring) in order to get some "smoosh smoosh"
- Other abilieties: open the door, open the door, open the door, open the door......

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Question for Sera: Where is my Supernatural?

Mannequin 3: The Reckoning - Season 6, episode 14

I think the 6.14 episode was the worst for me when it comes to Lisa/Ben.
It started ok, because I thought it was a good sign that Dean didn't want to pick up a call from Lisa. I was glad that Dean was reluctant to leave Sam and go to the Braedens. But what happened at Lisa's house.... was a total crap for me. There was emasculated Dean. Lisa was saying her annoying part about her feelings - he didn't say anything. Ben was saying his stupid (oh, God reallly stupid!) things suggesting that Sam was not a family - Dean didn't react. Seriously? Even at the end of 5.22 it was said that Sam & Dean chose a family (meaning each other) and now, out of the blue, the writers try to convince us that Lisa and Ben are the family for Dean? Thanks, but I don't buy it. I hate it. I hate that Dean was such a wuss and didn't stand up for Sam and didn't say loud and clear that he chooses hunting.

Honestly, SG you didn't do your homewrok. Viewers were expecting an END. A real "end" with no open door for Lisa/Ben's comeback. There is a clear message coming from the boards (oh, other than TWoP): people are tired of Lisa and Ben. Tired of what Braedens do with Dean. Everybody (not just Lisa haters) is pissed that Lisa and Ben were forced to an episode without any purpose in it. And one more time we had to watch stupid wuss instead of Dean.

I don't know if you missed that or not... but Sam is the "family" not a random slut with a kid.

That was the worst episode of S6. Sera Gamble you're the master of turning a great show into an unwatchable soap-operish horror.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Season 6, episode 13

Dean cheking what happened to the  brunettes and stareing at a photo of one of them. The photo was shown to the camera at least twice, so that the audience could see the resemblance between the missing woman and Lisa.
I hope it was only to remind us that there was such a character like Lisa, so that people wouldn't be surprised to see her in 6.14....
Well, I didn't enjoy this subtle reminder at all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Supernatural fanfiction not fun

It is so sad that almost the whole season 6 is based on fanfiction stories. Don't the writters have their own ideas? That is not a good sign for the show. I hate fanfiction. I don't forbid anyone to dream, fantasize or whatever... and write it down.
But when the stories that have nothing in common with the original idea of the show (well, except the names of the characters) start to live their own lives and affect the show, it is time to change the channel.
Lisa/Ben storyline, Dean pretending to be a "daddy" - this is pure fanfiction. For the sake of the SN show and the old, devoted fans, fanfiction should last only on fanfiction websites.
Lisa storyline is the best proof that adjusting fan's work can change the core of SN into something unrecognizable.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Like a Virgin

Season 6, episode 12

I was waiting and waiting... and I had great expectations about this episode. However, it wasn't perfect.
Lisa in the "The Road So Far" section was a bad sign. That was the first moment when I rolled my eyes. The second one was when Sam asked Dean about the promise. And yeah... Lisa was mentioned. The whole scene was short but still I was hoping we left "Dean the Whiner" behind. Now I'm not so sure. He wasn't happy when he explainded that "it didn't work out" and it is highly probable he is going to presented as the loser. Angsting, mooning loser!
For me it very clear that he should feel relieved when he escaped Lisa's house.  Because ending the relationship with a woman like Lisa doesn't make anyone a loser. It indicates that you have quite high IQ.

Just a small reminder for those who don't remember her: Lisa is a slut with a 12-year old son Ben, lousy mother, who rather prefers to have a man (any man) in her bed than care for her child. She is manipulative, the year of Dean's misery was the best of her life and she hates Sam. She compared him to her sister whom she'd never bring to life (if the sister was dead and Lisa had the posiibility to bring her back).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Sera Gamble you are doing a great job" - ha ha just kidding

Dear showrunner, producers, writers of Supernatural,

I am a fan since I have seen the Pilot episode. I have watched all episodes so far... This show was fantastic because it was different than all others. Finally a show without stupid romance storyline. A show about two brothers hunting supernatural things. Two brothers who cared for each other and were fighting against all evil of the world.

So what the hell have you done to my show?
I know all episodes and I am sure there were no indications that Dean wanted a "normal life" with wife and a kid. No! Re-watch if you don't believe me! Of course there was one scene, totally out of the blue, in 99 Problems when Dean went to Lisa and said some stupid things. Yes... that was one scene telling us that he was thinking of "normal". But one scene in the five-season show is not good enough when you constantly were telling a story about Dean who was womanizer, wanted his brother with him, loved his job. I am not buying your new story and I feel offended.

I kindly ask you to repair the damage you have done to the show. Write off the worst character: Lisa and her son Ben. It is a shame that you let a minor character change completely one of the main characters (Dean) and destroy the dynamics and core of SN.

Since you have written Lisa as a manipulative bitch why won't you just kill her (like other female characters)? Because of Ben? Please, that is ridiculous. Ben does not need such a lousy mother, besides he has a family (e.g. aunt) or you could send him to Jessy the anty-christ boy (who is living in his safe, imaginary world).
And... what is important... don't make Dean feel sorry or miserable (that's funny) because of Lisa's death.
Don't you remember that the "real old Dean from seasons 1-3" would be glad to see the bitch, who hates his brother, fry extra crisppy?

Summing up, Lisa Braeden must die.

yours disappointed fan