Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Supernatural fanfiction not fun

It is so sad that almost the whole season 6 is based on fanfiction stories. Don't the writters have their own ideas? That is not a good sign for the show. I hate fanfiction. I don't forbid anyone to dream, fantasize or whatever... and write it down.
But when the stories that have nothing in common with the original idea of the show (well, except the names of the characters) start to live their own lives and affect the show, it is time to change the channel.
Lisa/Ben storyline, Dean pretending to be a "daddy" - this is pure fanfiction. For the sake of the SN show and the old, devoted fans, fanfiction should last only on fanfiction websites.
Lisa storyline is the best proof that adjusting fan's work can change the core of SN into something unrecognizable.

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