Reasons why Lisa should be removed from SN:
1. She was forced to the show at the end of S5
2. She is one of Dean's many girlfiends and was never even mentioned since two episodes of S3 untill 99propblems in S5
3. For DALDOM the writers originally wanted a man from Friday 13th but he couldn't work out a deal - Lisa was put there like a poor subsitute
4. She is boring and desperate housewife and fits better to Wisteria Lane
5. She is not responsible mother, she allowed physchologically damaged man to move in with her and her child
6. She did not need "daddy" for Ben for around ten years, but when Dean showed up she suddendly changed her mind (crazy?)
7. She is not interested in Ben's safety, more important for her is to keep Dean for herself
8. Dean's year of misery was the best year of her life!
9. Her presence resulted in rewriting Dean's character: he became domesticated, emasculeted, whiny, not able to make simple decision
10. Through the whole year she did not help Dean to deal with his pain
11. The relationship with Lisa didn't make Dean more mature, grownup. He had to grow up very early in his life: he lost his mother at the age of four, he had to take care of his younger brother, he (being a hunter) risked his life for complete strangers many many times... aren't these examples of adult behaviour?
12. There was nothing in Dean's history to indicate he'd be interested in having a family, so why on earth Lisa was introduced to the show? Happiness does not always mean having a spouse and a kid.....
13. The relationship was all about her needs and desires not Dean's.
14. She said it would be better if Sam stayed dead
15. She manipulated Dean into staying by telling him he was a good father figure for Ben
16. There is no chemistry between Dean and Lisa!!!
17. Dean was not enough emotionally invested in "relationship" with Lisa
18. All Dean ever wanted while being with Lisa was his brother. Alive! (EOMS)
19. Dean only went to her to fulfill Sam's dying wish (EOMS)
Dean (with anger in his voice): That woman and that kid -- I went to them because you asked me to! (pointing a finger at Sam)
Bobby: Good
Dean: Good for who?
20. She is being shoved in each episode without any reason! This is sick.... Everybody is tired of hearing about her
- Sam couldn't care less
- Bobby is tired
21. Because she gives women a bad name