Q: Would Dean call a redo on anything he’s done? Any of the deals he’s made?source
Ackles: No. He would’ve made all the deals. He wouldn’t have tried to live a life of normalcy with Ben and Lisa though. I think he’d wish to take that back, in hindsight knowing he was never really out of the game and that attempt was never really going to go through.
This is not the first time when JA confirms Lisa and Ben were not good for Dean.. Damn it! If only the showrunner had acutally an idea of what the show is was about, this storyline wouldn't have happened. A whole season 6 wasted on Lisa. She was nobody, just a slutty housewife. Not extraordinary person, not interesting, nothing conected her to the plot. In fact she was just like an older version of Snooki. And her face expressions: was it concern? was it fun? was it love? Doesn't matter because I saw a manipulative woman, absolutely not attractive and her image has stuck in my mind. Season 6 has left a bad taste in my mouth... My break from SN continues.